Sunday, June 17, 2012

Ohio Strippers Sale at

Thanks to all the Dancers that came out to the sale this week in Ohio! Every dancer received a whopping 50% Off and they gave away over $5,000 in free outfits. I met strippers from
the Harem, the Flamingo, the Living Room, Cheeks, and a few others. Thank You Ladies!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Blacklight Stripper Clothes, Outfits, Shoes, and More

I bought some blacklight stripper outfits from that I absolutely love. I wore them at an event at Pin Ups in Atlanta, Ga and the guys were going wild! - Stacy M.

Black Light Exotic Dancewear and Blacklight Stripper Clothes can be found on on in Wifeyz Retail Stores. UV Neon Blacklight Stripper Heels and Boots can also be found on

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Cheaper Stripper Poles

I got this dance pole for under $70 on! I searched around and this was the cheapest place to purchase this pole. I was concerned about the safety of it because of the price at first. However, I discovered that all poles are going to require you to mount them to the floor or ceiling if you really want to add real weight to them. Therefore, this is a good starter pole for the price because you can screw it into the ceiling easily.

Wifeyz Shoes for Exotic Dancers

It's funny how most of the top new shoes are specifically designed for exotic dancers and strippers! I have purchased my last 5 pair of 6" heels from

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Strip Clubs in Dayton, Ohio Pt. 1

After visiting a few Strip Clubs in Dayton, Ohio the other day I thought it was a good idea to share my experience.

The first strip club I visited happened to be the Living Room on N. Dixie Drive in Dayton. I had a few drinks there a got a chance to talk to and watch a few of the girls. To my surprise, they didn't have as many dancers as I thought they would. The club was also a little smaller than most.

The second club I visited was The Harem, also on N. Dixie Drive in Dayton, Ohio and two buildings away from Wifeyz. It was a lot bigger! I stayed at this club for hours. They had tons of girls and the atmosphere was nice too. I met a lot of nice women in this place. I have to admit that most of them were pretty too. After leaving the club around 1 a.m. I decided to call it a night. However, upon driving down the street to get me something to eat from McDonald's I noticed a few other clubs on this street that I will be going to tomorrow. STAY TUNED!

Exotic Dancer Wear in Ohio

The best place to shop for Exotic Dance Wear in Ohio is Wifeyz for sure. You can not only visit the showroom on N. Dixie Drive in Dayton, Ohio but you can also visit the website and make purchases that will arrive a lot sooner than if you were to purchase from another website located outside of Ohio.